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Writing a Plugin

This section explains how you can write your own metrics or summarizers to integrate with Summary Workbench. To help you get started, take a look at the predefined plugins located in the metrics/ and summarizers/ folders.

Plugin folder structure

A plugin is a folder or git repository which contains the following files:

sw-plugin-config.yamlyessee sw-plugin-config.yaml
Dockerfilenoif not specified, docker/Dockerfile.plugin will be used which can be found under the repository root, metric folder,, summarizer folderyes (one) or metric folder for metric plugin, or summarizer folder for summarizer plugin
model_setup.pyyesIs used to setup your application (i.e. download models). Leave it empty if no external data is needed. The file is required to remind the plugin creator that external data should be stored locally. All plugins can run without writing anything into this file but this can lead to performance issues (i.e. the models are downloaded on every restart of the container).
Pipfile.lock, Pipfile, requirements.txtyes (one)contains the packages required by your application


Following Options can be specified in the sw-plugin-config.yaml file:

versionyesversion string of the plugin (start with "1.0" and increment if you make changes) make sure the version is a string and not a float (e.g. "1.0" instead of 1.0)
nameyesname of the plugin (e.g. BERTScore)
metadatanoDictionary with extra data that is available to the container during build time and when running. This data is also returned when querying for available metrics/summarizers. Metadata we use to display information about the plugin in the frontend are type (extractive/abstractive/semantic/lexical), model (configured deep learning model), homepage (url to homepage, developer of plugin or paper) and sourcecode (url to plugin or used implementation).


Follow the steps under configuration#completion to setup completion.

Metric plugin specific configuration

The file should have a class MetricPlugin with the following methods:

from typing import List, Tuple

class MetricPlugin:
def evaluate(self, batch: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[float]:
hypotheses, references = zip(*batch)
# your code
return scores

The batch argument contains hypotheses-reference pairs. For each pairs one score has to be computed and returned as a list where the order corresponds to the order of the pairs in the batch.

Summarizer plugin specific configuration

The file should have a class SummarizerPlugin with the following methods:

from typing import List, Union

class SummarizerPlugin:
def summarize(self, batch: List[str], ratio: float) -> Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]:
# your code
return summaries

The batch argument contains texts that have to be summarized and the ratio is a number between 0 and 1 that specifies the desired length of the summary with respect to the length of the source text. Summaries can be either a string or a list of sentences.

Important remarks

The THREADS environment variable as described in setup_quickstart#extern-environment configures the number of parallel calls to the evaluate and summarize function. Make sure that your function is threads safe by using threading.Lock if necessary.

Required arguments

The batch argument for both plugin types and the ratio argument for the summarizer plugin can not be called different because they are passed as keyword arguments. In general type annotations should be omitted for the required arguments but they can be added if they have the annotated type is correct.

Extra arguments

You can define your own arguments simply by adding them to the function definition:

from typing import List, Union, Literal
from pydantic import Field

class SummarizerPlugin:
def summarize(
argument1: bool,
argument2: Literal[1, 2, 3] = 2,
argument3: int = Field(..., ge=0, le=10),
) -> Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]:
# your code
return summaries

The Field attribute from pydantic can be used to define extra constrains for the arguments. In the example argument1 is a Boolean argument without a default value, argument2 is a categorical argument with 3 types and 2 as the default argument and argument3 is an integer argument with no default argument that has to be at least 0 and at most 10.


A pydantic model is build to evaluate the function arguments before passing them to the function. Therefore it is not necessary to check if the arguments are valid. The pydantic model is converted into json-schema and passed to the frontend to generate the form to input argument values. The form generator currently supports Boolean, categorical, integer, float and string arguments.

Generic plugins

Sometimes you want to have a generic plugin (a plugin that can take different models).
In that case you can specify the model by providing it as an environment variable via the environment key in the sw-config.yaml You can also add environment variable values to the name of the plugin by using format strings.

example sw-plugin-config.yaml
version: "1.0"
name: "CoolSummarizer ({model})"
example sw-config.yaml
- source: <path-to-cool-summarizer>
model: cool model

This will configure the plugin as CoolSummarizer (cool model) and inside the container os.environ["model"] will be cool model

For examples checkout summarizer/neuralsum, summarizer/cliffsum, and summarizer/coopsum

Dynamic Metadata

Metadata can be specified using the metadata field in the sw-plugin-config.yaml. This approach is static and sometimes it is required to set the metadata based on some parameter. For example with the following config it could be useful to expose the model as a metadata field.

example sw-config.yaml
- source: <path-to-cool-summarizer>
model: cool model

This is possible by adding a metadata method to the corresponding Plugin class, which returns a dictionary containing the metadata.

example summarizer plugin (works the same for metric plugin)
class SummarizerPlugin:
def __init__(self):
self.m = {"model": os.environ.get("model")}

def summarize(self, batch, ratio):
return ["example summary"] * len(batch)

def metadata(self):
return self.m

The dynamic metadata returned from the metadata method will overwrite the static metadata specified in the sw-plugin-config.yaml file.


  • Writing a simple plugin is very easy and you probably need only very few information from this page.
    Most of the time copying an existing plugin from metrics/ or summarizer/ and sticking to its structure will help to get started.

  • Everything under /root (the home folder) in the container is stored in a volume.
    If you need external data, it should be stored there.
    Additionally it is advised to store downloaded files (e.g. models) in ~/.cache which will be expanded to /root/.cache in the container (don't forget to use os.path.expanduser or pathlib.Path.expanduser).

  • You are advised to use a Pipfile or Pipfile.lock instead of a requirements.txt, because it allows you to specify a python version. The base image for the container will be the official docker image for the specified python version.
    The only alternative to specify a custom python version is to provide your own Dockerfile.

  • If your plugin is generic and can have multiple models, only download the specified model.