

The Webis-Editorials-16 corpus is a novel corpus with 300 news editorials evenly selected from three diverse online news portals: Al Jazeera, Fox News, and The Guardian. The aim of the corpus is to study (1) the mining and classification of fine-grained types of argumentative discourse units and (2) the analysis of argumentation strategies pursued in editorials to achieve persuasion. To this end, each editorial contains manual type annotations of all units that capture the role that a unit plays in the argumentative discourse, such as assumption or statistics. The corpus consists of 14,313 units of six different types, each annotated by three professional annotators from the crowdsourcing platform upwork.com.


Please refer to this publication for citing the dataset. If you want to link the dataset, please use the dataset permalink [doi].

  • Download the dataset from Zenodo.
  • Find the related metadata at Google.

